Amanda Just
Parenting Life CoachEnabling your children to spread their wings and fly through life.
Hi, I’m Amanda. I’ve been working with parents and children for over 30 years now. I love helping people to become the first-class parents that they know they are. I have developed many courses over the years. My latest courses are designed with hard working parents in mind, giving you the important stuff that works. Helping you, to raise your children to reach their potential, spread their wings and fly through life.
My Story
Becoming a violin teacher at 15 started my interest in helping children to become the successful people they were destined to be. My fascination for good parenting techniques has been a life long passion. I thought that I would be set when I had my kids, however, the more I looked for tried and true methods of parenting, the more confused I got. There was just too much information and I couldn’t tell what was good advice and what was rubbish. When I found good information I couldn’t understand all the language they used.
All I wanted was to bring up my children so that they were future proofed. That is to say that they would become well adjusted, happy, and successful young adults. After many years of working with families and watching my children grow up, I have discovered the essential central elements to successful parenting. I hope to help many more parents become first-class parents who have the satisfaction of watching their children reach their potential, spread their wings and fly through life.
My Values & Beliefs
Success builds success
Children who experience success will want to find it again and again. To future proof our kids we need them to taste more success. If they experience success, however little, it will help them to take risks, build self esteem, build self-worth and helps to relieve stress and anxiety (for parents and children). Small successful steps builds confidence in parents and children.
All parents can be First-Class Parents
With the right advice and guidance all parents can be first-class parents. Using the right techniques means that you will enjoy your kids and everyone will love their family time together.
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery but Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.
Truer words were never spoken. Kung fu Panda has it right. Enjoy everyday as it comes as each new day is a new start where we can strive to be better in all ways.
My Approach
I believe that we can all become First-Class Parents. Taking steps towards making your families lives easier is a big step. Making changes to your habits can be daunting. I believe that knowing the right questions to ask is just as important as finding the answers. Parenting is not just knowing what to do, it is also about making informed decisions on how you can help your kids. I take you on a journey to help you build confidence in your parenting decisions. I know that every family is unique with different types of personalities, cultures, socio-economic situations and lifestyles. After a lot of experience with many families and my own, I have discovered the essential parenting techniques which help parents to enjoy the success which comes from happy, disciplined and successful kids.

Parenting Talks
- Local Government Parenting talks. South Australian Government
- Parenting talks and articles. Suzuki Victoria Association, Suzuki Queensland Association and Suzuki South Australia Association
- Parenting lectures. Tennessee University
- Parenting courses and workshops. Online and Brisbane City
Melodiexpress card game
- Note Reading Card Game with teaching program
- Composing Music Card Game with teaching program