Are you struggling to get your kids to behave. Here are some techniques which you can use and the reasons why we do it this way. We start with these three techniques in Part 1; Distraction and diversion, Counting down, Consistency and Rules. In Part 2 we continue with Responsibility and Chores, Positive feedback and Time Out or what we like to call it Rest and Relaxing. Sorry this is a bit late, Covid hit us. We are fine now though.
MSP Podcast Modelling Choices for your kids
[powerpress] Children learn how to make choices through watching us make choices in our everyday. Learn how we can help them make good choices and understand the consequences.
MSP Podcast – Treating kids fairly doesn’t mean the same.
[powerpress] I bet each of your kids are very different. In our household we made sure that the kids knew that they were treated fairly but not necessarily the same. It’s important that they understand that because they are very different people, they will be treated...
MSP Podcast – What will they be like as adults
[powerpress] Am I doing a good job? What do I need to do with my little one so that they will be good? Will my teenager be like this forever? Will it ever end? Good news is that children seem to be like their 6,7 and 8 year old selves as adults.
MSP Podcast – Happy Mother’s Day
[powerpress] Happy Mother's Day to all those dedicated mothers and carer's to our most precious little ones. Take time out for yourself today to enjoy your family and celebrate all you do for everyone special in your lives. It occurred to me as I was listening to a...
MSP Podcast – Benefits of Board Games (Let’s play)
[powerpress] Playing games with kids is so important as it teaches them how to win and lose, loads of fun, spending time together and having great conversations. It also teaches strategies and problem solving skills which can then be applied to all parts of life...
MSP Podcast – Recognising Relatives vs Family (limiting toxic relations)
[powerpress] Family are people who love you but show it in their actions and words. Family will support you in your dreams, value you and are invested in you. Relatives share your blood but don’t necessarily support you. Limit your toxic relationships and develop...
MSP Podcast – Learning to Apologise
[powerpress] Learning to apologise is so important for children to build relationships in the future. There are 5 steps in the apology so that they have ownership, responsibility and learn from their mistakes. Here are the 5 steps - State “I’m sorry”; What happened;...
MSP Podcast – Morals and Values
[powerpress] How to install morals and values in your children is all about doing a little everyday. It is incredibly important for kids to realise what is a good choice or not. Ensure that the whole children’s environment is the same, eg. Home, school, friends have...
MSP Podcast – Building Confidence in your Parenting
[powerpress] Start the journey through parenting; nurture your abilities through your community and affirm your confidence through curiosity. Grow in confidence by solving challenges together so that you can unlock the future you want. Looking for and seeing the...
MSP Podcast – Surviving Holidays
[powerpress] How to cope with kids during holidays - routine, calm, keep active, give each other space. Activities to do, go camping, movies, walk in nature, picnics museums, art galleries, board games and craft. Lots of craft.
MSP Podcast – Through the stages
[powerpress] Update on gorgeous, giving children the opportunity to do new things and supporting them through the process of risk taking and failure. As parents we sometimes get stuck and don’t give our kids new opportunities for each stage. Play is so important for...
MSP Podcast – Adapting your parenting to the day
[powerpress] Parents have good and bad days. How can we be the best parents even during those really bad days. Parenting rules can change depending on who they are around. Kids can adapt and know the difference between each persons boundaries if they are set and don’t...
MSP Podcast – Risk Taking
Learning that it is OK to fail is the first step to taking risks. Making sure it is safe for our children to do so is our responsibility as parents. Children also need to learn how to evaluate these situations for themselves.
MSP Podcast – Determination and Persistence
[powerpress] In order to succeed in life today we need to learn determination and persistence. Help your children to understand the benefits of these personal traits so that they can use them in their time during school and beyond.
MSP Podcast – Conflict Resolution
[powerpress] Learning how to resolve issues is something we all need to keep getting better at. Children love power play so how to not get into power play? Also, if we come up against a very frustrating person, what do we do? Help your kids learn these great...
MSP Podcast – Correlation between toddlers and teenagers and how to help them.
[powerpress] Did you realise that the behaviours of a 2 year old are how your 12 year old will be behaving, just as your 3 year old’s behaviour correlates to their 13 year old selves. Learn how to build habits, coping mechanisms and more which help them in their...
MSP Podcast – Building Confidence in Kids
[powerpress] I wanted to have confident kids, however I was always worried that if I disciplined them it would harm their confidence. How wrong I was. Here are some tips on helping your child become a confident young adult in the future. We cover discipline that...
MSP Podcast – Introducing Movies to Kids
[powerpress] Have you wondered how you can help your kids cope through the scary and worrying parts of movies. We have some tips on how to help your little one cope with the ups and downs in movies.
MSP Podcast – Teaching Cultural Diversity with Disney
[powerpress] In our world today we need to understand different cultures. What better way to get an understanding of these differences than through Disney Movies. Watching movies together can be an opening for great conversations.
MSP Podcast – Correcting kids positively
[powerpress] How can you correct your children without them feeling that they are in the wrong? It’s tricky but we think we have some great ways of building confidence instead of knocking them down.
MSP Podcast – I don’t want to ruin my kids.
[powerpress] Every parent wants to do what is right for their kids. What is ok to do so that I don’t ruin them as adults. We cover topics such as building relationships, having good habits, being independent thinkers, boundaries and consistency, have fun together,...
MSP Podcast – Preparing for School
[powerpress] Getting ready for school, lunches, changing body clock to get up early are just some of the topics we cover in this all important subject.
MSP Podcast – Finding your Child’s Passion
[powerpress] Helping your children to find a passion in life is one of the most enjoyable parts of being a parent. Giving them lots of experiences so that they can find what their passion is, and supporting them to mastery in that skill area builds self-esteem,...
MSP Podcast – One Step at a Time
[powerpress] Teaching your child how to start a task is so important. Helping them to realise that you can do anything if you take it ‘One step at a time’ really makes a difference to their resilience and academic achievement and functioning as an adult in the...
MSP Podcast – Value of Playing Alone
In this wide world it is important to teach children how to play and be alone. Even as adults it can be hard to know what to do when we are alone. There is always so much to do, however learning from a young age to occupy yourself without going to technology it the...
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