
Children who have a larger vocabulary do better at school. So how can you help them develop this? Talk to your kids with proper sentences and new words each week, this builds knowledge and relationships. Read traditional books like Anne of Green Gables, Famous Five, which have great vocabulary, correct sentence structure and grammar. Also you can try audio books which help your kids read books which might be a little difficult and open discussions about social situations in the books. This is so powerful.

MSP Podcast – Answering Tricky Questions

[powerpress] Do you ever get those questions blurted out like as you walk past a blind man your little one says "Why is that man hitting the ground with that stick?" Join us to delve into how to answer tricky kids questions so that they learn to grow in our every...

MSP Podcast – Inner Voice

[powerpress] A child’s inner voice is that voice you hear in your head or that knowledge that you know is totally true. This inner voice is developed through repetition of words. If you are always told your are beautiful you will always believe it. If you are always...

MSP Podcast – Building Relationships

[powerpress] Building Relationships between family members is one of the most important aspects of being a family. With the philosophy ‘Relationships are build upon joint experiences’ we guide you through some great ways to help kids and parents build these long...

MSP Podcast – Gratitude

[powerpress] Gratitude is one of those things we don’t always think of as a skill, but it can be taught. It is very important in this day and age to teach our children how to be grateful for everything they have and experience, whether it is bad or good. Those...

MSP Podcast – Routines

[powerpress] Routines are essential to keeping children calm. They feel in control of situations and have far less frustration. Join us in discussing how you can include routines in your lives and help your children build self esteem, self worth and a calm and happy...

MSP Podcast – Fostering Independent Thinking

[powerpress] This is the first Podcast from Modern Successful Parenting. Join Amanda and Sarisa on a journey of discovery and learning about parenting. Amanda has been working with parents for over 30 years and Sarisa has just started her journey of parenting as a...