by Modern Successful Parenting
Our Passion is to help you to become the best parent you can be.
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We also provide Online Courses and Coaching for Parents
Supporting Parents in helping their children to reach their full potential in life.
Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching
Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?
Join us for a free 1 hour call. In this free call we will help you with a parenting issue you are having as well as covering how Modern Successful Parenting can help with. We want to make sure we are a good fit for each other because we want you to be our next First Class Parent. Our passion is making you the best parent you can be.
What Is Life Coaching?
Becoming empowered with knowledge helps us understand what is happening in our lives and can give us an insight into what is needed to make our lives better.
Coaching will empower you to feel confident in making the right decisions for your family and your children’s future.
Parenting life coaching enables you to be with others who are in the same boat, learning, laughing and sharing with each other, giving you the confidence to enjoy your kids, knowing that they will be OK. It allows you to feel confident in your own abilities (with a little new knowledge and support from others who care).
How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?
In this day and age of information at our finger tips, why do you need coaching? It’s the personal touch which makes the difference. It’s the years of experience with children which makes our lives easier. Years ago, old aunties, next door neighbours, cousins, and Grand parents were our village. They gave us advice which we could trust. Today life has gotten much more complicated and it can be hard to connect with these people everyday. I have found that it is important to educate ourselves on all aspects of our life. Coaching provides you with the knowledge you need to help your children become the positive, successful people you know they can be. It will give you peace of mind.
Do you want your children to reach their potential?
It is very important for children to believe in themselves. They need to be able to feel success. We know that
“Success builds success.”
Amanda helps you to guild your children through this process so that they can glide through life’s challenges.
Do you want to give your children as many experiences as possible?
Absolutely, so do I. It is important to give your children as many opportunities and different experiences as possible, but how do I make sure that they don’t become entitled, and have princess or prince type behaviours. How do I help them to be well informed little people? That’s where coaching can help you with techniques and tips to keep your kids grounded.
Would you like to future proof your kids?
Giving children the skills they need to be healthy, well adjusted, young adults who can make a difference in the world is very important. We will be living in a world where our children will be making a difference. Their childhood can influence them greatly in these endeavours and our parenting skills are so important to guide their journey through life.
Knowledge builds understanding.
There is so much information available, but how do you know what is right. After years of working with parents, I have discovered the important parts of parenting which will help you to give your children the best possible chance to reach their potential, spread their wings and fly through life.
Would you like clarity in parenting techniques.
Clarity in your parenting skills is essential to your peace of mind. Knowing that you are doing the right thing and have the support of others is essential to your well being as a parent. It’s hard parenting in this day and age. A little support goes a long way. Just knowing you are doing the right thing, can be the difference between 3 hours sleep and 7 hours.
My Approach
I believe that we can all become first-class parents. Taking steps towards making your families lives easier is a big step. Making changes to your habits can be daunting. I believe that knowing the right questions to ask is just as important as finding the answers. Parenting is not just knowing what to do, it is also making informed decisions on how to help your kids. I take you on a journey through the steps which are needed to help you build confidence in your parenting decisions. I know that every family is unique with different types of personalities, cultures, socio-economic areas and lifestyles. After a lot of experience with many families and my own, I have discovered the essential parenting techniques which help parents to enjoy the success which comes from happy, disciplined and successful kids.

How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
We are always glad to have a chat. Schedule a free 1 on 1 to find out if we are a good fit to empower you to help your children reach their potential, spread their wings and fly through life.
Choose a Coaching Plan
Here at Modern Successful Parenting we provide personalized coaching. This includes access to all of our courses, pdf downloads, access to our closed facebook group, and best of all 3 months of small group conference calls with a qualified parenting coach every week. Join our Parenting Life Coaching community.
Reach Your Goals
MSP knows how important it is to set goals. Kids are watching us all the time. Whenever we start a new challenge your kids are taking note of how you do things. They love to imitate you. Coaching will help you and your children to learn life skills which can make you the best person you can be and reach your parenting goals.
7 Central Elements of First-Class Parents
The 7 Central Elements package provides access to 12 weeks online training, downloads, exclusive facebook groups, weekly phone calls and much more. Join our First-Class parents finding peace of mind with excellent parenting techniques, support, and lots of laughter sharing your life with your own village.